this seems to be elgin's mantra, as attested to by his pics (and i am telling you, there are a lot off them)
well, one of his more recent endeavors, however is the ateneo alumni night, dubbed a KINGHT to remember. and im such a loser for missing this event, i think i was drunk as hell the night before..thus, i spent the whole day being overly dramatic and taking extra effort to get my ass of f the bed.
back to el;gin though. well, as he so hjonestly told me, he doenst really enjoy parties and such, he prefers the lower profile gimik nights in 183 or autoshop (ciool places, i tell you) but his friends always manage to convince him to go out.
and go out he does! he always seems to be everywhere and seems to know everyone. he is 5the true epitome of a party-person.
back to the event. well i know he was asked to dance in this "reunion" of sorts. they say the food was great, unlimited booze and it was truly a night to remember. school spirit wass high, and so was everyone's moods.
though i really have no idea what went on in the party, im sure, just the fact that elgin and his friends are there, is enough reason to kick myself in the ass for being too lazy to get up and have one of gthe greatest parties of the year.
(shown in the pics are elgin's fellow dancers)

bye bitches!