i think it is always sad when friendships go bad.
we all know there are a lot of reasons why friends fall apart but i think the saddest reason would be one without any significant start or end.
i mean, right now, i have friendships that dont seem to be friendships anymore. i dont know where our falling apart started and that is probably the most hurtful part of it. i think that this type of falling apart is the most unfortunate.
it makes me crazy thinking about it, becuae we didnt fight over something, nor did we have a difference on opinion. we just drifted apart. i can never find a reason why we did, but we did.
and in this world where we a re guided by logic and rationality, it drives one off the wall to not know where things start and why they do..
it makes me realize: maybe our friendship never really started...it only suffere an end..
do you understand what im getting at?
i think, we were just fooling ourselves that we were friends, we were caught up in all the excitement of meeting someone so different from ourselves and the idea wa novel
i find it hard to put into words what i mean
and for once, zhaun ortega is at a loss for words.
i cannot even properly explain what i feel..
i feel uncomfortable towards that person. when im in a crowd, i still feel lonely. although i try to pretend to be happy, sometimes i just over think this.
and the hardest part is that we used to be such big parts of each other's world and now we act like we dont even exist in it.
its a sad day indeed...
i think the person has just hurt me too much, it would be stupid of me to make friends with that person again.
the persdon hurt me because that person was allowed to. i allowed for it to happen
i expected a lot from that person.
scrap that..
i only expected friendship
and ours never felt like one
yet, as i am writing this..i feel the urge to makes ammends with that person..becuase...
i dont know....
i just want to
bye sad bitches
Saturday, February 9, 2008
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
well..if you know me personally, you KNOw that i have good reason to be turning insane with all my projects...
since my groupmates are all autistic..we decided to stop stressing ourselves out and instead indulge in some photo shooting
here are the stupid resuilts...
yeah..autism sucks..right martin?
there are 6000 things wrong with this picture
making the same stupid facial expression
check it...she's the only one who even dares to command me. obviously..i followed her command..just for the picture though
Davaoena PartyPhiLe inVadeS ManiLa

this was during anna V.'s birthday celebration in Manila..
in true partyphile fashion, she decided (last minute perhaps?) to leave Davao for her birthday (skipping classes along the way) and celebrate her special day (21st birthday to be exact *wink* *wink*) with some of her buddies (refer to the pictures: they are, like her, gorgeous as hell) for a surprise (?) bash!!!!!

this girl deserves it..she's one of the best friends you could ever have..just don't get on her bad side (or any of her friends' for that matter) you might end up having to nurse wounds on your head from little pieces of red horse bottles..

happy birthday anna!
Bye bitches!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Monday, February 4, 2008
marlboro party @ pops
alright bitches!
last saturday, i went to this marlboro party. i got invites from miss carol simon and was expecting to come to a cool party.
as rumors had it, this was going to be pops' closing night.
since they havent experienced the same popularity heyu have had about two years past, i think that was a wise decision.
anyways..the marlboro party was great..everything was decked out in black and red---in true marlboro fashion.
this party was for the launch of the new marlboro ducati
they even had giveawayas and i luckily won a ducati back-pack..
(if u look closely ull read my name)
a lucky bastard (whose name ive forgotten) won a trip to shanghai to watch the formula one race...
anyways..i was there with byu, eric, dweyne, shoti (lloyd), carlo, carol, igor and two of his friends who seemed very very nice and warm. i also saw a lot of friends there..but what do you expect??? these are MY people..these are the true partyphiles of the world.
all in all..the event was a lil boring..there were no real programs although i appreciated the fact that they served free beer all through the night. (and in cute red cups too that go with the theme)
also, i have learned how to maneuver (with four cups in hand a) through a crowd while having time to check out the scene..hahaha..yes.
pops was jampacked that night and the place looked gorge. it looked like an awards night of sorts..flat screens filed the place..smoke machines were haywire, beer was free flowing, the techno music was pumping loud enough to make your heart submit to its beats..
also, the dancers seemed to top of the nigth with a lil rowdy excitement
glad i went to that party..it was one of the highlights of this week. haha
thanks carol for the invites (which, in some ways, proved to be useless..but who cares? right?)
bye bitches!
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