no matter what economics sayas..i still believe that there is such a thing as free lunch
ihave een invited on several occasions by my friends to go out clubbing or drinking (haha..well..if you have fiollowed this blog since day one, you would know that THAT is the only placer i go anyways..clubs and bars) this summer
i would go with minimal funds (since i am, after all, a worthless, work-less , fresh college graduate who is going back to school to study law) only to find out at the end of the day (or night) that the only thing i had to spend on was my own transportation. I mean..people have been inviting me, almost every week..no..not almost..EVERY week to go drinking with them..and in more than one occasuion, didnt have to spend much
and so i realized this: when you have planted the seeds of friendship, and when you have proved yourself to be finally worthy of something in their lives..people dont go all stingy on you
i mean..these people, like me, are also students, except for the doctor haha, and they feel comfortable and alright with sharing with me their blessings..i find that..very very sweet and heartwarming
of course i appreciate that i didnt need to spend some
but what i appreciated more was the fact that they were comfortable giving me to what they have
this post is emotional bullshit
my point is..ive been drinking a lot for free..and that is waaaaaaay cool
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Monday, May 26, 2008
hApPiNeSS iS FouND In tHE LiTTle ThINgS
if you read my blog recently, you would have realized that i was depressed...
last night, however, my life took a sudden turn..
i was depressed last night, like most nights, as i was reading harry potter..
this was a book ive been reading for days and it has ceased to be ezxciting, until last night.
while i was reading the book, i kept on thinking of someone.haha.of course..i will not divulge who the person was.. i kept convincing myself that the person didnt deserve me and such
but it still held true that the thoughts this book brought me served me only to damper my mood..
and then something happened that has happened the past few weeks as well...
it started to rain..
and as i have, quite recently, acquired an dislike for the rain (for many purposes. for one it stopped me from going out at night, it hurt my scoliotic back and it just made me more depressed)... anyways..
something happened last night as i was smoking what was left of my cigarette...
i saw the rain dripping on my toes as i was sitting on the ledge before my kitchen...
and i enjoyed it..i revelled in it..i loved it so much that i decided to take my clothes off and go dancing in the rain..at one in the morning.
who cares if im 21? im still gonna be dancing in the rain til im 60...
and while i was there..soaking wet..feeling the cold rain against my skin, trying to confine my feelings to hapy ones. (since i have been feeling the whole spectrum of human emotion in the past few days)
and i was dancing there...i realized something...
it doesnt matter what life gives you..it is the way you look at it that matters...
sometimes...all the love you need to feel to be haoppy is the love you give...for yourself to receive..
yes guys..the crazy, obnoxious and loud zhaun claude rosales ortega is back!
i might not be perfect..but i sure am happy! or at least, 5this time...trying to be...
last night, however, my life took a sudden turn..
i was depressed last night, like most nights, as i was reading harry potter..
this was a book ive been reading for days and it has ceased to be ezxciting, until last night.
while i was reading the book, i kept on thinking of someone.haha.of course..i will not divulge who the person was.. i kept convincing myself that the person didnt deserve me and such
but it still held true that the thoughts this book brought me served me only to damper my mood..
and then something happened that has happened the past few weeks as well...
it started to rain..
and as i have, quite recently, acquired an dislike for the rain (for many purposes. for one it stopped me from going out at night, it hurt my scoliotic back and it just made me more depressed)... anyways..
something happened last night as i was smoking what was left of my cigarette...
i saw the rain dripping on my toes as i was sitting on the ledge before my kitchen...
and i enjoyed it..i revelled in it..i loved it so much that i decided to take my clothes off and go dancing in the rain..at one in the morning.
who cares if im 21? im still gonna be dancing in the rain til im 60...
and while i was there..soaking wet..feeling the cold rain against my skin, trying to confine my feelings to hapy ones. (since i have been feeling the whole spectrum of human emotion in the past few days)
and i was dancing there...i realized something...
it doesnt matter what life gives you..it is the way you look at it that matters...
sometimes...all the love you need to feel to be haoppy is the love you give...for yourself to receive..
yes guys..the crazy, obnoxious and loud zhaun claude rosales ortega is back!
i might not be perfect..but i sure am happy! or at least, 5this time...trying to be...
it still feels like im falling.
it feels like im alone on a road where no one else dares to pass..
there is no one else here..
as always...i am alone
i have always been proud of myself because i had..have...lots of friends..
and these friends..they give me a sense of who i am
they know who i am
they know what i have become
they know where i came from
but actually..they dont know me
nobody knows me
i am really a stranger to everyone else in my life
sometimes, even i dont know myself
and even though i would like to pretend that i am this cool law student who has cool gigs in the coolest places as a band vocalist..has a cool job being an article writer for porn sites and stuff...and is a true blue partyphile..
i am still pretending
that is not me
who am i?
right now..i am not sure...
i have gone thru everal phases in my life
and i have been confused about everything
i dont know where im going..nobody understands me
and though they try to udnerstand me
i know noone does
im not making sense am i?
i sound like some suicidal goth boy
yes..life is weird..and people can make life shittier..i hope i could just escape all of this and go to a place where evryone is strange and i can carve my own niche into their society
i am nobody really..
i am zhaun ortega
i am insecure
i am self obsessed
i am stupid
i am loveless
i am unemotionally emotional
and i am..most of all..lonely
it feels like im alone on a road where no one else dares to pass..
there is no one else here..
as always...i am alone
i have always been proud of myself because i had..have...lots of friends..
and these friends..they give me a sense of who i am
they know who i am
they know what i have become
they know where i came from
but actually..they dont know me
nobody knows me
i am really a stranger to everyone else in my life
sometimes, even i dont know myself
and even though i would like to pretend that i am this cool law student who has cool gigs in the coolest places as a band vocalist..has a cool job being an article writer for porn sites and stuff...and is a true blue partyphile..
i am still pretending
that is not me
who am i?
right now..i am not sure...
i have gone thru everal phases in my life
and i have been confused about everything
i dont know where im going..nobody understands me
and though they try to udnerstand me
i know noone does
im not making sense am i?
i sound like some suicidal goth boy
yes..life is weird..and people can make life shittier..i hope i could just escape all of this and go to a place where evryone is strange and i can carve my own niche into their society
i am nobody really..
i am zhaun ortega
i am insecure
i am self obsessed
i am stupid
i am loveless
i am unemotionally emotional
and i am..most of all..lonely
depression sinks in
now i know this a blog for partyphiles and i havent put stuff on this blog for a while
but now im so depressed i need to mope
im depressed because of so many things..
you know..
i have always told myself that i was too cool to be depressed...
but right now..thats whats happening
i am so depressed that i dont know what to do
once again i have managed to put myself in a situation where i cant stand doing nothing...i cant stay in a room alone...because it will only make my depression worse
and what solution do i find for this depression: going out clubbing or drinkin.
when you see me outside..and im only outside the house when i go clubbing or drinking with my friends..
you would see me and i would look all happy
ya know,...the normal zhaun..the one who is outgoing..the one who is happy, confident and content..
but i keep a little secret...people have been wondering why i go out to drink so much now..i always tell them that im making the most of my summer. i need to drink as much as i can before i go back to law school
but the truth is..im depressed..and ive been depressed for days..weeks even..and im depressed because of so many things
i cannot describe what depression feels like..
everyone knows it is the loss of happiness..but when yous ee me outside..drinking and having fun..i seem like a happy person
whats lacking in my life, really, is genuine joy.
i am not joyful..i cannot even stand alone in my room
my thoughts are all sad
the songs that run thru my head are all lonely
and all i can do is sit and wait for my de[pression to fade
alcohol is good...it brings me closer to friends..
alcohol makes me dizzy giving me something else to tend to..instead of my depression
alcohol makes me laugh
alcohol makes me throw up..
and in those moments when im curled up beside the toilet bowl, puking my guts out..thats when i feel i am human.
thats when i feel i am capable of other emotions, other feelings aaside from sadness
and thats why i love drinking
never look at alcoholics as bad people...
because an alcoholic just might be a badly bruised soul looking for companionship and a night when he is too drunk and dizzy that he doesnt cry himself to sleep...
but now im so depressed i need to mope
im depressed because of so many things..
you know..
i have always told myself that i was too cool to be depressed...
but right now..thats whats happening
i am so depressed that i dont know what to do
once again i have managed to put myself in a situation where i cant stand doing nothing...i cant stay in a room alone...because it will only make my depression worse
and what solution do i find for this depression: going out clubbing or drinkin.
when you see me outside..and im only outside the house when i go clubbing or drinking with my friends..
you would see me and i would look all happy
ya know,...the normal zhaun..the one who is outgoing..the one who is happy, confident and content..
but i keep a little secret...people have been wondering why i go out to drink so much now..i always tell them that im making the most of my summer. i need to drink as much as i can before i go back to law school
but the truth is..im depressed..and ive been depressed for days..weeks even..and im depressed because of so many things
i cannot describe what depression feels like..
everyone knows it is the loss of happiness..but when yous ee me outside..drinking and having fun..i seem like a happy person
whats lacking in my life, really, is genuine joy.
i am not joyful..i cannot even stand alone in my room
my thoughts are all sad
the songs that run thru my head are all lonely
and all i can do is sit and wait for my de[pression to fade
alcohol is good...it brings me closer to friends..
alcohol makes me dizzy giving me something else to tend to..instead of my depression
alcohol makes me laugh
alcohol makes me throw up..
and in those moments when im curled up beside the toilet bowl, puking my guts out..thats when i feel i am human.
thats when i feel i am capable of other emotions, other feelings aaside from sadness
and thats why i love drinking
never look at alcoholics as bad people...
because an alcoholic just might be a badly bruised soul looking for companionship and a night when he is too drunk and dizzy that he doesnt cry himself to sleep...
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
ive graduated...so what?
ive recently graduated. im just waiting for +the graduation rites...
ive no more classes, ive cleared all my accounts./.
ill be fitted soon for my toga
and all i can think of is: so what?
so what that i graduated?
so what that i gained a lotta knowledge in school?
so what if graduating college gives me a better chance to alnd a better job?
so what if i finished my course in 4 years, and with above average performance?
so what if ididnt fail once in my school life?
does this make me better than the next person?
i came to school this after noon, and after everything ive gone through in college..i feel empty..
where are the relationships ive created and maintained?
where are all the happy memories?
whjere are the late night talks that extended til morning?
where are those stu[pid assignemnts we used to copy from the clas genius?
where are the sleepovers (sleepless sleepovers really) we had while making projects?
where are the senseless cvhatters we shared during break time?
more importantly, where are my friends?
now i know why school is such a big hit.
it gives young people a chance to get to know each other. school requires me and my friends to stay in one place at the same time.
school bridges trhe gaps.
school makes us closer.
school creates relationships.
and that is probably why i'll miss school so much. becaue at times when i need a friend..i know exactly where to go.
school creates a divertion, so i would not be able to think about problems. school provides me with friends who can taslk me thru whatever shit im experiencing
and more importantly, it is in school that i learned the greatest lesson in life: taht friends are precious when they're near..hahahaha
bye bitches!
ive no more classes, ive cleared all my accounts./.
ill be fitted soon for my toga
and all i can think of is: so what?
so what that i graduated?
so what that i gained a lotta knowledge in school?
so what if graduating college gives me a better chance to alnd a better job?
so what if i finished my course in 4 years, and with above average performance?
so what if ididnt fail once in my school life?
does this make me better than the next person?
i came to school this after noon, and after everything ive gone through in college..i feel empty..
where are the relationships ive created and maintained?
where are all the happy memories?
whjere are the late night talks that extended til morning?
where are those stu[pid assignemnts we used to copy from the clas genius?
where are the sleepovers (sleepless sleepovers really) we had while making projects?
where are the senseless cvhatters we shared during break time?
more importantly, where are my friends?
now i know why school is such a big hit.
it gives young people a chance to get to know each other. school requires me and my friends to stay in one place at the same time.
school bridges trhe gaps.
school makes us closer.
school creates relationships.
and that is probably why i'll miss school so much. becaue at times when i need a friend..i know exactly where to go.
school creates a divertion, so i would not be able to think about problems. school provides me with friends who can taslk me thru whatever shit im experiencing
and more importantly, it is in school that i learned the greatest lesson in life: taht friends are precious when they're near..hahahaha
bye bitches!
Friday, February 29, 2008
tsk tsk tsk
to the person who wrote those nasty comments about one of the prettiest girls for february...
i dont even know where to begin
first, i know you are my friend..
that comment about reaching the hundred dollar mark gave you away
second, you are very good at english because of that...im sure u aint winston...and im sure i know who you are..
third, you are a good actor, acted surprised when i told you about thsoe comments
fourth, i need controversy for thsi blog, it needs to be talked about, but i dont feel good about it because it was attained at the expense od diane.
diane is a very very good friend, and i knwo she wouldnt feel good about what you wrote..
i dont know why the hell you are doing this, and fro this reaon ive decided to take out the chatbox
this is low...
i thought yu were a good friend...guess i was wrong
bye bitches!
i dont even know where to begin
first, i know you are my friend..
that comment about reaching the hundred dollar mark gave you away
second, you are very good at english because of that...im sure u aint winston...and im sure i know who you are..
third, you are a good actor, acted surprised when i told you about thsoe comments
fourth, i need controversy for thsi blog, it needs to be talked about, but i dont feel good about it because it was attained at the expense od diane.
diane is a very very good friend, and i knwo she wouldnt feel good about what you wrote..
i dont know why the hell you are doing this, and fro this reaon ive decided to take out the chatbox
this is low...
i thought yu were a good friend...guess i was wrong
bye bitches!
Thursday, February 28, 2008
gtoodbyes are hard to do
when i started college four years agho, i made myelf a promise.
i told myself not to get emotionally attached with anyone, because i dont handle goodbyes well.
id suffered enough separation anxiety from my highh school good byes, and i dont need the same amount of drama in my life...
now, looking back, i think that was a pretty easy task. what made it hard though, was that my classmates seemed to be genuinely nice. they seemed to speak my language of non-sensical childishness. they spoke my language of fun fun fun. they ahd the same devil-may-care attitude as i had. they were as spontaneous as i was. they were, in a sense, made in the same m,old as i was.
we may come from different mothers, but our relationships feel more brotherly and sisterly than our own relationships with our siblings are.
now, i just came home from my econd to the last day in school.
i remember my classmates' faces and it doesnt take long for my eyes to start getting watery.
they have been with me for so long, that i dont even know how to cope without them
i have gone back to that chubby 4th year high school guy who was so afraid to let go of his high school buddies because that is where he foudn his first barkada...
but...this time, i feel its far more deep than that. they arent just friends..they are the best friends..
they are the only one's i can share a cigarette, a lollipop or a beer bottle with without getting grossed out. they can stay in my bed even if its dirty as shit. they are comfortable enough to visit my home, even if i wasnt in it. i have befriended their families and have felt comfortable in their own little worlds.
actually, asit seems today, we no longer have our own little worlds. we m,ove in one world we have created for ourselves. everybody we know becomes everyone else's friend. my point is, weve made ourselves so much parts of each others lives that its hard to let go
but this is exactly what ill have to do..
and im quite glad i wont be having to do it alone
bye bitches!
when i started college four years agho, i made myelf a promise.
i told myself not to get emotionally attached with anyone, because i dont handle goodbyes well.
id suffered enough separation anxiety from my highh school good byes, and i dont need the same amount of drama in my life...
now, looking back, i think that was a pretty easy task. what made it hard though, was that my classmates seemed to be genuinely nice. they seemed to speak my language of non-sensical childishness. they spoke my language of fun fun fun. they ahd the same devil-may-care attitude as i had. they were as spontaneous as i was. they were, in a sense, made in the same m,old as i was.
we may come from different mothers, but our relationships feel more brotherly and sisterly than our own relationships with our siblings are.
now, i just came home from my econd to the last day in school.
i remember my classmates' faces and it doesnt take long for my eyes to start getting watery.
they have been with me for so long, that i dont even know how to cope without them
i have gone back to that chubby 4th year high school guy who was so afraid to let go of his high school buddies because that is where he foudn his first barkada...
but...this time, i feel its far more deep than that. they arent just friends..they are the best friends..
they are the only one's i can share a cigarette, a lollipop or a beer bottle with without getting grossed out. they can stay in my bed even if its dirty as shit. they are comfortable enough to visit my home, even if i wasnt in it. i have befriended their families and have felt comfortable in their own little worlds.
actually, asit seems today, we no longer have our own little worlds. we m,ove in one world we have created for ourselves. everybody we know becomes everyone else's friend. my point is, weve made ourselves so much parts of each others lives that its hard to let go
but this is exactly what ill have to do..
and im quite glad i wont be having to do it alone
bye bitches!
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
2 days to go..and still cant feel the excitement
alright, so my strategic management defense well better (waaaay better) than expected. and i probabalya ced my taxation quiz..
its two days before my school life officially ends, but still i can't feel the excitement.
this is the time in my life when im expected to be almost jumping for joy, but nowadays, i seem to be more and more pensive.
i seem to be wallowing in the thought of leaving people behind. i find it sad to have to do that. but as everyone knows, groth comes after some pain..
and i better do a whole lotta growing, coz this shit pains me much
im not meaning to be overly dramatic, but school has been my safe haven,
i know ateneo like the back of my hand. i know everyone and befriend everyone. i love people and people are thwe reason why i still have energy to get up in the morning, and sleep late at night.
i feed off the energy my friends and classmates give me.
i am, in the truest possible sense of the word, a people-person
and i am terribly terribly saddened taht i ahve to leave some of the most amazing, wonderful personalities ive come to know
i will eternally miss
byu's smart cracks and her nasty side comments
diane's sweet getures and her almost sing-song speaking voice
jervy-who has been terribly nice (to me, noit everyone though.haha.he knows what i mean) and appreciative
arianne- who jas always been fun and wise.one of my best masahistas
kim-who cracks me up like shit
kamar-who is never pikon and has his own lil quirks
alvin-who is someone..well..i cant really put my finger on it..he has his days..and when he's in a good mood, ur in for a treat
martin-who is my "adviser". we share a strange friendship.yet i feel comfortable telling him anything
heklver-who is the shittiest friend you'll ever have. no problems with this girl..all fun fun fun
angel-my g-g-g-glamorous friend. she's very very nice, and all i can say is...people dont treat her with enough respect
adrian-he has his own quirks too.very interesting.very funny.very tongue-in-cheek
lara-eternally youthful, she brings you back to your childhood with just a smile.she's so simple..in more ways than you can think of
jenny-very very opinionated.and well..opinionated
nikka-most understanding person.ever
kk-soooo sweet. has very good memory, and is never ever judgem,ental.ever
carol- who is slightly obnoxious, but is sooo lovable and very very very thoughtful.
jobo-is the obnoxious brother ui never had.hahaha...he's really nice, and ..well..he never does me any wrong
hope--whoah.this girl is cool. she's smart, sassy, and has a dont-ever-mess-with-me attitude
dino--very sincere, very thoughtful. astonishingly, and quite surprisingly smart and wise
monet-he's the man to go to for good conversation. very smart, in a funny kinda way
thirdee-is like the older brother io never had. he may be mean to some peopel, but never to me. seems always, always sensible.
rj (ni hope)- haha..he ios very, well...opinionated. and he has his own stand on things. i dont show it but i look up to him because he gives respect where it is due. and that makes him a good man
igor-one wise cracker. i will never forget his devil-may-care attitude
eds-very very very..hmm...mysterious..noone ever seems to know what she's thinking. she gets very excited about lil things though. very simple too
joanne-quite unlike any other. but i have always respected her opinions and have always looked up to her for her determination, and for not swaying from her beliefs
nash-well..what can i say? a very very smart person. he is also fair, and well..he's just an all around good guy
jason- his devil-may-care attitude is refreshing from someone as smart as he is. always updated with current events, he's always the one to go to for movie reviews.haha
amrian-she's eternally childish, even though she's older than the rest of us. and her frank banter and impeccable, unmistakeable voice is precious
julie- if she was to be judged based on her honesty alone, she'd be my friend for life
who else did i miss?
il be refreshig this soon..so dont worry
its two days before my school life officially ends, but still i can't feel the excitement.
this is the time in my life when im expected to be almost jumping for joy, but nowadays, i seem to be more and more pensive.
i seem to be wallowing in the thought of leaving people behind. i find it sad to have to do that. but as everyone knows, groth comes after some pain..
and i better do a whole lotta growing, coz this shit pains me much
im not meaning to be overly dramatic, but school has been my safe haven,
i know ateneo like the back of my hand. i know everyone and befriend everyone. i love people and people are thwe reason why i still have energy to get up in the morning, and sleep late at night.
i feed off the energy my friends and classmates give me.
i am, in the truest possible sense of the word, a people-person
and i am terribly terribly saddened taht i ahve to leave some of the most amazing, wonderful personalities ive come to know
i will eternally miss
byu's smart cracks and her nasty side comments
diane's sweet getures and her almost sing-song speaking voice
jervy-who has been terribly nice (to me, noit everyone though.haha.he knows what i mean) and appreciative
arianne- who jas always been fun and wise.one of my best masahistas
kim-who cracks me up like shit
kamar-who is never pikon and has his own lil quirks
alvin-who is someone..well..i cant really put my finger on it..he has his days..and when he's in a good mood, ur in for a treat
martin-who is my "adviser". we share a strange friendship.yet i feel comfortable telling him anything
heklver-who is the shittiest friend you'll ever have. no problems with this girl..all fun fun fun
angel-my g-g-g-glamorous friend. she's very very nice, and all i can say is...people dont treat her with enough respect
adrian-he has his own quirks too.very interesting.very funny.very tongue-in-cheek
lara-eternally youthful, she brings you back to your childhood with just a smile.she's so simple..in more ways than you can think of
jenny-very very opinionated.and well..opinionated
nikka-most understanding person.ever
kk-soooo sweet. has very good memory, and is never ever judgem,ental.ever
carol- who is slightly obnoxious, but is sooo lovable and very very very thoughtful.
jobo-is the obnoxious brother ui never had.hahaha...he's really nice, and ..well..he never does me any wrong
hope--whoah.this girl is cool. she's smart, sassy, and has a dont-ever-mess-with-me attitude
dino--very sincere, very thoughtful. astonishingly, and quite surprisingly smart and wise
monet-he's the man to go to for good conversation. very smart, in a funny kinda way
thirdee-is like the older brother io never had. he may be mean to some peopel, but never to me. seems always, always sensible.
rj (ni hope)- haha..he ios very, well...opinionated. and he has his own stand on things. i dont show it but i look up to him because he gives respect where it is due. and that makes him a good man
igor-one wise cracker. i will never forget his devil-may-care attitude
eds-very very very..hmm...mysterious..noone ever seems to know what she's thinking. she gets very excited about lil things though. very simple too
joanne-quite unlike any other. but i have always respected her opinions and have always looked up to her for her determination, and for not swaying from her beliefs
nash-well..what can i say? a very very smart person. he is also fair, and well..he's just an all around good guy
jason- his devil-may-care attitude is refreshing from someone as smart as he is. always updated with current events, he's always the one to go to for movie reviews.haha
amrian-she's eternally childish, even though she's older than the rest of us. and her frank banter and impeccable, unmistakeable voice is precious
julie- if she was to be judged based on her honesty alone, she'd be my friend for life
who else did i miss?
il be refreshig this soon..so dont worry
Sunday, February 24, 2008
uRbAn cLuB to cAp ofF tHinGS
well well well...
i enjoyed myself yesterday..
i woke up..then went to eden nature park to have lunch..for non-davaoenos..eden is one fo the hottest tourist destinations..hahja
i must say though, that their chicken isnt at par with all their other dishes..i loved heir molo soup and their asado (really big slices) and of course, their home grown veggies
surprisingly good was their langka cake and their even more surprisingly bitter chocolate cake
anyways..i slept a few hours after that and then ate dinner in gardena fresca..their white marlin is heavenly..i suggest though that you think before you eat a whole slab of it (it gives one LBM. trust me...i should know)
also their steak ala pobre was nice, though quite tough..
and then my cousin and i went to the wheels and more drive compound to sing a few tunes in G-Mik KTV Bar. After that i wnet to world palace and sung in the common area. their sound system i really reaaly good and i think ill be addicted to singing there.
anyways..some people were impressed with anna's and my singing..so they decided to send some beer over to my table. also, they treated us in the nearby coffee shop..
i gues talent really does get you places.
anyways...by 1:30 in the morning we transfered to urban club and i decided to treat anna and her friend ryan there since they paid for everything in world palace.
and that was that..i danced the night away..went home and puked..
i think UC (urban club) is growing on me..it just might be my new favorite..
bye bitches!
i enjoyed myself yesterday..
i woke up..then went to eden nature park to have lunch..for non-davaoenos..eden is one fo the hottest tourist destinations..hahja
i must say though, that their chicken isnt at par with all their other dishes..i loved heir molo soup and their asado (really big slices) and of course, their home grown veggies
surprisingly good was their langka cake and their even more surprisingly bitter chocolate cake
anyways..i slept a few hours after that and then ate dinner in gardena fresca..their white marlin is heavenly..i suggest though that you think before you eat a whole slab of it (it gives one LBM. trust me...i should know)
also their steak ala pobre was nice, though quite tough..
and then my cousin and i went to the wheels and more drive compound to sing a few tunes in G-Mik KTV Bar. After that i wnet to world palace and sung in the common area. their sound system i really reaaly good and i think ill be addicted to singing there.
anyways..some people were impressed with anna's and my singing..so they decided to send some beer over to my table. also, they treated us in the nearby coffee shop..
i gues talent really does get you places.
anyways...by 1:30 in the morning we transfered to urban club and i decided to treat anna and her friend ryan there since they paid for everything in world palace.
and that was that..i danced the night away..went home and puked..
i think UC (urban club) is growing on me..it just might be my new favorite..
bye bitches!
Friday, February 22, 2008
almost graduation
well well well
as ive said in my last post..im back..and i hope this is for good..that is..ill have no more problems with my pc and what nots
anyways..im almost graduating...
i have a week more of classes (with shitty xams for good measure) and im pretty scared..
knowing me, im never afraid of exams (duh. professional cheater here)
i just find it terifying that im actuallygraduating
fuck and shit and al...im so old
plus...i dont even know where im going to work after all this..
also...i have this weird work requirement..i would like to land a job that would allow me to go out every saturday night..hahah...seems almost impossible in this world of cut throat competition..but what the heck im Zhaun Ortega..i ALWAYS get what i ant when i want it..
and dont even give me shit about it..
i wanna enjoy my life and drinking and friends make me happy..and is it now a sin to be wanting the more exciting things in life?
again back to my point...the worst thing that terrifies me is the possibility of losing friendships..
i mean we can get together after several years or whenever but i dont think it will ever be the same without those asses i call classmates messing around everyday
hmmm..shaima is reading this as i type..hahha
checking my typos and shit..
anyways...thats that
im just friggin scared//a fuckin coward even..
shoutout to jobo..haha...my loyal reader...bwahahaha
im not sure but i think im goin to miss his oily forehead..hahahaha
and thats me being sentimental/..thats about all the emotion you could squeeze outta me
bye bitches!
as ive said in my last post..im back..and i hope this is for good..that is..ill have no more problems with my pc and what nots
anyways..im almost graduating...
i have a week more of classes (with shitty xams for good measure) and im pretty scared..
knowing me, im never afraid of exams (duh. professional cheater here)
i just find it terifying that im actuallygraduating
fuck and shit and al...im so old
plus...i dont even know where im going to work after all this..
also...i have this weird work requirement..i would like to land a job that would allow me to go out every saturday night..hahah...seems almost impossible in this world of cut throat competition..but what the heck im Zhaun Ortega..i ALWAYS get what i ant when i want it..
and dont even give me shit about it..
i wanna enjoy my life and drinking and friends make me happy..and is it now a sin to be wanting the more exciting things in life?
again back to my point...the worst thing that terrifies me is the possibility of losing friendships..
i mean we can get together after several years or whenever but i dont think it will ever be the same without those asses i call classmates messing around everyday
hmmm..shaima is reading this as i type..hahha
checking my typos and shit..
anyways...thats that
im just friggin scared//a fuckin coward even..
shoutout to jobo..haha...my loyal reader...bwahahaha
im not sure but i think im goin to miss his oily forehead..hahahaha
and thats me being sentimental/..thats about all the emotion you could squeeze outta me
bye bitches!
Thursday, February 21, 2008
im back
im back guys..
fixed my pc and im ready to post more exciting articles and what nots....
its a week before my graduation and i know it will be (a always) bittersweet....
ill mis people
bye bitches!
fixed my pc and im ready to post more exciting articles and what nots....
its a week before my graduation and i know it will be (a always) bittersweet....
ill mis people
bye bitches!
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
saturday night
Here’s the deal. You are an average student. You enjoy partying more than school (duh!). You know Davao like the back of your hand. In a sense, you are me.
You’re drowning in projects, and you’re stressed like shit. You need to enjoy. Tonight, just like every other Saturday night, you’ve set out a plan. You have gathered all your closest friends and you’ve donned your fabulous gimmick outfit and you’re ready to live it up. This is your itinerary.
First, you go to the Venue Compound-- the safe haven for the “older” crowd. You choose to visit the Venue Compound first because it’s pretty peaceful, they open earlier than other party establishments and there are a lot of interesting establishments (KTV Bars, Restos, Coffee shops etc) in the area. You enjoy a scrumptious Korean Meal at Ab Gu Jung and then get your fill of local comedy at Laugh Tough while drinking the cheapest beer in town at twenty pesos a bottle. You decide to pass on the Venue bar, a huge two story building with an in-house coffee shop, a massive dance floor and a live band. The Venue bar used to be the biggest in the country, but now that your friends’ parents are regulars, you only visit the bar when Manila-based artists hold concerts there.
You then transfer to Bacbac at F. Torres Street. You order some ice-cold, gives-me-a-brain freeze, frost-encrusted frozen beer. You urge your friends who haven’t tried it to give it a taste. The beer in itself is an experience. You remind your self that this is the only way to drink beer. You enjoy seeing all your other friends and schoolmates here. Like you, they prefer to get their fill of booze and grilled fare here before moving to the Wheels and More Drive Compound.
When you get to Wheels and More Drive you suddenly feel like you’re under-dressed. You shrug it off. You remind yourself that Davaoenos just don’t care. You survey the bars. You choose from Brugger’s CafĂ© (they serve great pizzas), Hypnotiq (posh interiors and a billiard table) and Urban Club (the current crowd favorite).
You decide to go to Urban Club. You pay a hundred bucks to get in. They give you a stub for two free drinks. You take notice of the music. The DJ is serving up great music tonight, as always. You approach the bar to claim your drinks. You appreciate the crowd of students and yuppies. You realize this is where all of gorgeous Davao has been hiding. The DJ has stopped mixing some tunes. There is now a live band that plays house music. They are great. You go out to get some air and again scout the premises. Yes. This is where all the cool people go.
You look at your watch and realize it is three in the morning. You transfer to Rizal Promenade and get inside 183. They have stopped asking for an entrance fee since it is beyond three in the morning. You step inside and realize the whole bar has transformed into a dance floor. Someone grabs your ass from behind. You turn around and remember that this is the favorite cruising spot among the gay crowd. Also, there are a lot of foreigners and non-locals. You dance a little until you realize you are too sleepy. You regret not hooking up with that cutie in Urban Club.
As you lay in bed (after puking a little) you plan out next week’s schedule. You are too drunk to function. You turn the television off. You remember you have a project due on Monday. You still regret not hooking up with that cutie in Urban Club. This Saturday was uneventful.
You’re drowning in projects, and you’re stressed like shit. You need to enjoy. Tonight, just like every other Saturday night, you’ve set out a plan. You have gathered all your closest friends and you’ve donned your fabulous gimmick outfit and you’re ready to live it up. This is your itinerary.
First, you go to the Venue Compound-- the safe haven for the “older” crowd. You choose to visit the Venue Compound first because it’s pretty peaceful, they open earlier than other party establishments and there are a lot of interesting establishments (KTV Bars, Restos, Coffee shops etc) in the area. You enjoy a scrumptious Korean Meal at Ab Gu Jung and then get your fill of local comedy at Laugh Tough while drinking the cheapest beer in town at twenty pesos a bottle. You decide to pass on the Venue bar, a huge two story building with an in-house coffee shop, a massive dance floor and a live band. The Venue bar used to be the biggest in the country, but now that your friends’ parents are regulars, you only visit the bar when Manila-based artists hold concerts there.
You then transfer to Bacbac at F. Torres Street. You order some ice-cold, gives-me-a-brain freeze, frost-encrusted frozen beer. You urge your friends who haven’t tried it to give it a taste. The beer in itself is an experience. You remind your self that this is the only way to drink beer. You enjoy seeing all your other friends and schoolmates here. Like you, they prefer to get their fill of booze and grilled fare here before moving to the Wheels and More Drive Compound.
When you get to Wheels and More Drive you suddenly feel like you’re under-dressed. You shrug it off. You remind yourself that Davaoenos just don’t care. You survey the bars. You choose from Brugger’s CafĂ© (they serve great pizzas), Hypnotiq (posh interiors and a billiard table) and Urban Club (the current crowd favorite).
You decide to go to Urban Club. You pay a hundred bucks to get in. They give you a stub for two free drinks. You take notice of the music. The DJ is serving up great music tonight, as always. You approach the bar to claim your drinks. You appreciate the crowd of students and yuppies. You realize this is where all of gorgeous Davao has been hiding. The DJ has stopped mixing some tunes. There is now a live band that plays house music. They are great. You go out to get some air and again scout the premises. Yes. This is where all the cool people go.
You look at your watch and realize it is three in the morning. You transfer to Rizal Promenade and get inside 183. They have stopped asking for an entrance fee since it is beyond three in the morning. You step inside and realize the whole bar has transformed into a dance floor. Someone grabs your ass from behind. You turn around and remember that this is the favorite cruising spot among the gay crowd. Also, there are a lot of foreigners and non-locals. You dance a little until you realize you are too sleepy. You regret not hooking up with that cutie in Urban Club.
As you lay in bed (after puking a little) you plan out next week’s schedule. You are too drunk to function. You turn the television off. You remember you have a project due on Monday. You still regret not hooking up with that cutie in Urban Club. This Saturday was uneventful.
Sunday, February 17, 2008
half a pill
half a pill of it was all i took and i felt like ive been drinking the whole night. i even went through the motions of being drunk. i flet sleepy, then i felt hyper active. i felt like throwing up and then i felt like i wanted to sit still. my ears were hearing sounds too loud, but they didnt hurt my ears. my eyes dropped like i hadnt slept for days and days.
what isfunny is that i drank on;y two bottles of light beer. and even though i felt like i was drunk, i really wasnt. i hadnt eaten in 5 hours before i took the pill. but i felt like throwing up. it was my first time doing drugs, and i had taken half a pill. between yiu and me, this was much for an ecstasy virgin,but call it beginner's luck: i didnt feel the effect right away.
there was nothing different about me except that i was totally sleepy the whole night. but i didnt let it get the best of me. i acted like my usual self. only much more conservative.hahaha
i sat still and talked a lil.
i handled it well..
and somehow in the midddle of all my partying and drinking and dancing..i realized, this wasnt bad. i didnt believe it made me a bad person. i still dont believe that. and i think if i was given a chance, id pop a pill in a heartbeat. now i call it instant drunkedness.
bye bitches!
what isfunny is that i drank on;y two bottles of light beer. and even though i felt like i was drunk, i really wasnt. i hadnt eaten in 5 hours before i took the pill. but i felt like throwing up. it was my first time doing drugs, and i had taken half a pill. between yiu and me, this was much for an ecstasy virgin,but call it beginner's luck: i didnt feel the effect right away.
there was nothing different about me except that i was totally sleepy the whole night. but i didnt let it get the best of me. i acted like my usual self. only much more conservative.hahaha
i sat still and talked a lil.
i handled it well..
and somehow in the midddle of all my partying and drinking and dancing..i realized, this wasnt bad. i didnt believe it made me a bad person. i still dont believe that. and i think if i was given a chance, id pop a pill in a heartbeat. now i call it instant drunkedness.
bye bitches!
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
thanks for voting
the votation for the prettiest atenista has turned out to be one of my more popular posts. its been up for two days and im glad with the response.
anyways..im very sorry if i won't be able to upload more articles in the following days. my computer crashed and i find it hard to find time to attend to my blog.
anyways..keep on voting..you may vote multiple girls.
sadly, you may only vote once per computer or per ip address.
also, don't forget to click the "google ads" page below (upper left hand side) to "up" your favorite girls' votes
bye bitches!
anyways..im very sorry if i won't be able to upload more articles in the following days. my computer crashed and i find it hard to find time to attend to my blog.
anyways..keep on voting..you may vote multiple girls.
sadly, you may only vote once per computer or per ip address.
also, don't forget to click the "google ads" page below (upper left hand side) to "up" your favorite girls' votes
bye bitches!
Sunday, February 10, 2008
poll results: what is your "happy juice" of choice?
so ive ended the votation of the "happy juice" poll to give way to the "prettiest atenista" poll
the winner is: vodka!!! with 58 percent of the votes
i guess vodka is a s popular as ever! right?
it might be because of its crisp taste and the purity of its flavor. also, vodka is the preferred liquor for mixed drinks because of its chamelleon like purity.
the close second was beer with 52% of the votes and the third placer is brandy with 11%
vodka is king of happy juices!!
but then again..i didnt include tequila in the choices (a very abd lapse of judgement)
bye bitche!
keep voting for the new poll
so ive ended the votation of the "happy juice" poll to give way to the "prettiest atenista" poll
the winner is: vodka!!! with 58 percent of the votes
i guess vodka is a s popular as ever! right?
it might be because of its crisp taste and the purity of its flavor. also, vodka is the preferred liquor for mixed drinks because of its chamelleon like purity.
the close second was beer with 52% of the votes and the third placer is brandy with 11%
vodka is king of happy juices!!
but then again..i didnt include tequila in the choices (a very abd lapse of judgement)
bye bitche!
keep voting for the new poll
Wh0 iS thE pretTieSt AteNisTa?
well guys..the search is on for the prettiest atenista..
send me ur other nominees
as for now..
vote (on the polls..left ahnd side) from this list
*note: people have nominated you girls, and they dont really mean to disresepct you..just appreciating beauty here...if yo want your pics to be removed from this site, just say so.thank you! also, the people who have nominated you will be strictly confidential
hahaha..this list seems like a homage to orientalia..each girl possesing strong asian features..
as u wud guess, theyre chinese..except leah..i think she's japanese
here's the list:
dont forget to vote vote vote on the polls
bye bitches!
send me ur other nominees
as for now..
vote (on the polls..left ahnd side) from this list
*note: people have nominated you girls, and they dont really mean to disresepct you..just appreciating beauty here...if yo want your pics to be removed from this site, just say so.thank you! also, the people who have nominated you will be strictly confidential
hahaha..this list seems like a homage to orientalia..each girl possesing strong asian features..
as u wud guess, theyre chinese..except leah..i think she's japanese
here's the list:
dont forget to vote vote vote on the polls
bye bitches!
Saturday, February 9, 2008
friendships gone bad
i think it is always sad when friendships go bad.
we all know there are a lot of reasons why friends fall apart but i think the saddest reason would be one without any significant start or end.
i mean, right now, i have friendships that dont seem to be friendships anymore. i dont know where our falling apart started and that is probably the most hurtful part of it. i think that this type of falling apart is the most unfortunate.
it makes me crazy thinking about it, becuae we didnt fight over something, nor did we have a difference on opinion. we just drifted apart. i can never find a reason why we did, but we did.
and in this world where we a re guided by logic and rationality, it drives one off the wall to not know where things start and why they do..
it makes me realize: maybe our friendship never really started...it only suffere an end..
do you understand what im getting at?
i think, we were just fooling ourselves that we were friends, we were caught up in all the excitement of meeting someone so different from ourselves and the idea wa novel
i find it hard to put into words what i mean
and for once, zhaun ortega is at a loss for words.
i cannot even properly explain what i feel..
i feel uncomfortable towards that person. when im in a crowd, i still feel lonely. although i try to pretend to be happy, sometimes i just over think this.
and the hardest part is that we used to be such big parts of each other's world and now we act like we dont even exist in it.
its a sad day indeed...
i think the person has just hurt me too much, it would be stupid of me to make friends with that person again.
the persdon hurt me because that person was allowed to. i allowed for it to happen
i expected a lot from that person.
scrap that..
i only expected friendship
and ours never felt like one
yet, as i am writing this..i feel the urge to makes ammends with that person..becuase...
i dont know....
i just want to
bye sad bitches
we all know there are a lot of reasons why friends fall apart but i think the saddest reason would be one without any significant start or end.
i mean, right now, i have friendships that dont seem to be friendships anymore. i dont know where our falling apart started and that is probably the most hurtful part of it. i think that this type of falling apart is the most unfortunate.
it makes me crazy thinking about it, becuae we didnt fight over something, nor did we have a difference on opinion. we just drifted apart. i can never find a reason why we did, but we did.
and in this world where we a re guided by logic and rationality, it drives one off the wall to not know where things start and why they do..
it makes me realize: maybe our friendship never really started...it only suffere an end..
do you understand what im getting at?
i think, we were just fooling ourselves that we were friends, we were caught up in all the excitement of meeting someone so different from ourselves and the idea wa novel
i find it hard to put into words what i mean
and for once, zhaun ortega is at a loss for words.
i cannot even properly explain what i feel..
i feel uncomfortable towards that person. when im in a crowd, i still feel lonely. although i try to pretend to be happy, sometimes i just over think this.
and the hardest part is that we used to be such big parts of each other's world and now we act like we dont even exist in it.
its a sad day indeed...
i think the person has just hurt me too much, it would be stupid of me to make friends with that person again.
the persdon hurt me because that person was allowed to. i allowed for it to happen
i expected a lot from that person.
scrap that..
i only expected friendship
and ours never felt like one
yet, as i am writing this..i feel the urge to makes ammends with that person..becuase...
i dont know....
i just want to
bye sad bitches
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
well..if you know me personally, you KNOw that i have good reason to be turning insane with all my projects...
since my groupmates are all autistic..we decided to stop stressing ourselves out and instead indulge in some photo shooting
here are the stupid resuilts...
yeah..autism sucks..right martin?
there are 6000 things wrong with this picture
making the same stupid facial expression
check it...she's the only one who even dares to command me. obviously..i followed her command..just for the picture though
Davaoena PartyPhiLe inVadeS ManiLa

this was during anna V.'s birthday celebration in Manila..
in true partyphile fashion, she decided (last minute perhaps?) to leave Davao for her birthday (skipping classes along the way) and celebrate her special day (21st birthday to be exact *wink* *wink*) with some of her buddies (refer to the pictures: they are, like her, gorgeous as hell) for a surprise (?) bash!!!!!

this girl deserves it..she's one of the best friends you could ever have..just don't get on her bad side (or any of her friends' for that matter) you might end up having to nurse wounds on your head from little pieces of red horse bottles..

happy birthday anna!
Bye bitches!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Monday, February 4, 2008
marlboro party @ pops
alright bitches!
last saturday, i went to this marlboro party. i got invites from miss carol simon and was expecting to come to a cool party.
as rumors had it, this was going to be pops' closing night.
since they havent experienced the same popularity heyu have had about two years past, i think that was a wise decision.
anyways..the marlboro party was great..everything was decked out in black and red---in true marlboro fashion.
this party was for the launch of the new marlboro ducati
they even had giveawayas and i luckily won a ducati back-pack..
(if u look closely ull read my name)
a lucky bastard (whose name ive forgotten) won a trip to shanghai to watch the formula one race...
anyways..i was there with byu, eric, dweyne, shoti (lloyd), carlo, carol, igor and two of his friends who seemed very very nice and warm. i also saw a lot of friends there..but what do you expect??? these are MY people..these are the true partyphiles of the world.
all in all..the event was a lil boring..there were no real programs although i appreciated the fact that they served free beer all through the night. (and in cute red cups too that go with the theme)
also, i have learned how to maneuver (with four cups in hand a) through a crowd while having time to check out the scene..hahaha..yes.
pops was jampacked that night and the place looked gorge. it looked like an awards night of sorts..flat screens filed the place..smoke machines were haywire, beer was free flowing, the techno music was pumping loud enough to make your heart submit to its beats..
also, the dancers seemed to top of the nigth with a lil rowdy excitement
glad i went to that party..it was one of the highlights of this week. haha
thanks carol for the invites (which, in some ways, proved to be useless..but who cares? right?)
bye bitches!
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