Tuesday, February 12, 2008

PrettieSt AteniSTa

well..this is jobo lomongo's vote for ateneo's prettiest...

react pls...

should i really consider puttiong her up for votation?

bye bitches!!

thanks for voting

the votation for the prettiest atenista has turned out to be one of my more popular posts. its been up for two days and im glad with the response.


anyways..im very sorry if i won't be able to upload more articles in the following days. my computer crashed and i find it hard to find time to attend to my blog.

anyways..keep on voting..you may vote multiple girls.

sadly, you may only vote once per computer or per ip address.

also, don't forget to click the "google ads" page below (upper left hand side) to "up" your favorite girls' votes

bye bitches!

Sunday, February 10, 2008

DOLCE supercLub!

Dolce superclub opened last february 16...

ill let the pics speak for themselves

its in tomas morato, QC (its suppsoedly the first superclub in QC)

well..dont forget to visit dolce if and when ur in the vicinity
bye bitches!

poll results: what is your "happy juice" of choice?


so ive ended the votation of the "happy juice" poll to give way to the "prettiest atenista" poll


the winner is: vodka!!! with 58 percent of the votes

i guess vodka is a s popular as ever! right?

it might be because of its crisp taste and the purity of its flavor. also, vodka is the preferred liquor for mixed drinks because of its chamelleon like purity.

the close second was beer with 52% of the votes and the third placer is brandy with 11%

vodka is king of happy juices!!

but then again..i didnt include tequila in the choices (a very abd lapse of judgement)

bye bitche!

keep voting for the new poll

Wh0 iS thE pretTieSt AteNisTa?

well guys..the search is on for the prettiest atenista..

send me ur other nominees

as for now..

vote (on the polls..left ahnd side) from this list


*note: people have nominated you girls, and they dont really mean to disresepct you..just appreciating beauty here...if yo want your pics to be removed from this site, just say so.thank you! also, the people who have nominated you will be strictly confidential

hahaha..this list seems like a homage to orientalia..each girl possesing strong asian features..
as u wud guess, theyre chinese..except leah..i think she's japanese



here's the list:

  • diane

  • dang (the one in stripes)

  • memet

  • jaja

dont forget to vote vote vote on the polls

bye bitches!