Tuesday, January 22, 2008

my birthday bash

this is an entry i stole from my other blog.hehehe.wrote this after my bday. enjoy
well i had my 21st birthday bash in hypnotiq..and it seemed to do just that..it almost hypnotized everyone into getting sooooooooo drunk..haha

of course..my parents needed to spend a couple of thousands...(true partyphiles nver give out the details of how much their parties cost) but it was all worth it..

i was soooo wasted ..and so were all my clasmates..

i would say..it was one of the greatest parties i have gone to...

and i think my guests feel the same..we all got wasted, even I, the great zhaun ortega (kidding of course) ..started to dance..and not just dance as in move my feet..i mean..sexy dancin..bumpin and grindin with anna v and shaima..and working the pole with everyone..

to get things started i decided to take abootle of vodka in my hand and a shot glass to match..i let everyone take a shot of my version of "happy juice" : alcohol...

and so..everyone did..

even just to pay respect to me..the celbrant..wahahaha

and i loooved it..after a few more cases of beer, bottles of vodka, brandy,pitchers of margarita, glasses of hypnotiq and slurps of blow job.. we all started to REALLY party..

some people vomiited their selves sober..some slept in the sofas..and then drunk some more..

some took advantage of the videoke machines..and yet some more...

GATE CRASHED my party..

damn that VRA..she even had the nerve to bring a bevy of her friends..i mean..eeeew

it was one thing to cross zhaun ortega.

and yet it is another thing to cross him in his own turf! in his own party! in front of all his friends! and after shots and slurps of alcohol..

all hell be damned!

the animal that was me, kept wanting to mark my territory..

this bitch wasnt going to make my party her own! that attention whoring bastard!!!!

i went up to her and put her in her place..
i didnt ask her nicely to please step out the door..i cussed her out and shouted at her to get outta my party and not to come back again..

of course...being a greedy selfish bitch that she was..she came back another 2 times..and even had the guts to kiss my friends...

now they are the laughing stocks of the clasroom for being "vra-lovers"haha

serves her right...that freaky, air headed bitch!

well..if u find it weird that i have sooo much anger at her..ill tell ya some other time what had happend before my party..as of now..all you need to know is that she is a self centered, greedy abusive, gate crashing bitch..

anyways...back to my party..i had a hell lotta fun depsite the vera-ness of it all...and i went home at about 5am..i woke up at around 10 am and i was still drunk!!!!

i stood up from my bed to go to the bathroom and i noticed something quite peculiar..i couldnt walk properly: i was limping..

not only that..i had lots and lots and lots of bruises around my body..i dont even know where i got them


the true sign of a wild party-phile...unknown bruises!! haha
and i dont wear them with shame..no sign of embarasment here...i wear my bruises like a badge of honor..and you know what made the whole experience more worthwhile??

its the fact that everytime im faced with my classmates...one of the topics that always pops up, is my birthday party and how jobo slept the whole night and domeng laid his head on the table and how shaima fell flat opn her face whilst going out the bar..and how anna v worked the ledge and how everyone was just plain and simple drunk

now..what self-centered, attention grabbing, selfish, spoiled, charming party-phile like me wouldnt enjoy that?

i mean..i indulge in the attention..but more improtantly..

i indulge with all the friendship i have surrounded my self with..

and i can tell..some of these people were just glad to see a typical saturday night in my life...and for once..

be part of my "inner circle"

bye bitches!

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