Friday, February 22, 2008

almost graduation

well well well

as ive said in my last back..and i hope this is for good..that is..ill have no more problems with my pc and what nots almost graduating...

i have a week more of classes (with shitty xams for good measure) and im pretty scared..

knowing me, im never afraid of exams (duh. professional cheater here)

i just find it terifying that im actuallygraduating

fuck and shit and so old

plus...i dont even know where im going to work after all this..

also...i have this weird work requirement..i would like to land a job that would allow me to go out every saturday night..hahah...seems almost impossible in this world of cut throat competition..but what the heck im Zhaun Ortega..i ALWAYS get what i ant when i want it..


and dont even give me shit about it..

i wanna enjoy my life and drinking and friends make me happy..and is it now a sin to be wanting the more exciting things in life?

again back to my point...the worst thing that terrifies me is the possibility of losing friendships..

i mean we can get together after several years or whenever but i dont think it will ever be the same without those asses i call classmates messing around everyday

hmmm..shaima is reading this as i type..hahha

checking my typos and shit..

anyways...thats that

im just friggin scared//a fuckin coward even..

shoutout to loyal reader...bwahahaha

im not sure but i think im goin to miss his oily forehead..hahahaha


and thats me being sentimental/..thats about all the emotion you could squeeze outta me

bye bitches!

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