Monday, May 26, 2008

hApPiNeSS iS FouND In tHE LiTTle ThINgS

if you read my blog recently, you would have realized that i was depressed...

last night, however, my life took a sudden turn..

i was depressed last night, like most nights, as i was reading harry potter..

this was a book ive been reading for days and it has ceased to be ezxciting, until last night.
while i was reading the book, i kept on thinking of someone.haha.of course..i will not divulge who the person was.. i kept convincing myself that the person didnt deserve me and such

but it still held true that the thoughts this book brought me served me only to damper my mood..

and then something happened that has happened the past few weeks as well...

it started to rain..
and as i have, quite recently, acquired an dislike for the rain (for many purposes. for one it stopped me from going out at night, it hurt my scoliotic back and it just made me more depressed)... anyways..

something happened last night as i was smoking what was left of my cigarette...

i saw the rain dripping on my toes as i was sitting on the ledge before my kitchen...

and i enjoyed it..i revelled in it..i loved it so much that i decided to take my clothes off and go dancing in the one in the morning.


who cares if im 21? im still gonna be dancing in the rain til im 60...

and while i was there..soaking wet..feeling the cold rain against my skin, trying to confine my feelings to hapy ones. (since i have been feeling the whole spectrum of human emotion in the past few days)

and i was dancing there...i realized something...

it doesnt matter what life gives is the way you look at it that matters...


sometimes...all the love you need to feel to be haoppy is the love you give...for yourself to receive..

yes guys..the crazy, obnoxious and loud zhaun claude rosales ortega is back!

i might not be perfect..but i sure am happy! or at least, 5this time...trying to be...


1 comment:

Entity-Republik said...

it doesnt matter what life gives is the way you look at it that matters...

especially if you've been on Prozac the past 6 mos.Haha.